Thursday, November 30, 2017

Percona TokuBackup in Percona Sever 5.7

Percona TokuBackup

Percona TokuBackup is an open-source hot backup utility for MySQL servers running the TokuDB storage engine (including Percona Server and MariaDB). It does not lock your database during backup. The TokuBackup library intercepts system calls that write files and duplicates the writes to the backup directory.
This feature is currently considered Experimental

Installing From Binaries

TokuBackup is included with Percona Server 5.7.10-1 and later versions. Installation can be performed with the ps_tokudb_admin script.
To install Percona TokuBackup:
  1. Run ps_tokudb_admin --enable-backup to add the preload-hotbackup option into [mysqld_safe] section of my.cnf.
$ sudo ps_tokudb_admin --enable-backup
Checking SELinux status...
INFO: SELinux is disabled.

Checking if preload-hotbackup option is already set in config file...
INFO: Option preload-hotbackup is not set in the config file.

Checking TokuBackup plugin status...
INFO: TokuBackup plugin is not installed.

Adding preload-hotbackup option into /etc/my.cnf
INFO: Successfully added preload-hotbackup option into /etc/my.cnf
  1. Restart mysql service
$ sudo service mysql restart
  1. Run ps_tokudb_admin --enable-backup again to finish installation of TokuBackup plugin
$ sudo ps_tokudb_admin --enable-backup
Checking SELinux status...
INFO: SELinux is disabled.

Checking if preload-hotbackup option is already set in config file...
INFO: Option preload-hotbackup is set in the config file.

Checking TokuBackup plugin status...
INFO: TokuBackup plugin is not installed.

Checking if Percona Server is running with preloaded...
INFO: Percona Server is running with preloaded.

Installing TokuBackup plugin...
INFO: Successfully installed TokuBackup plugin.

Making a Backup

To run Percona TokuBackup, the backup destination directory must exist, be writable and owned by the same user under which MySQL server is running (usually mysql) and empty. Once this directory is created, the backup can be run using the following command:
mysql> set tokudb_backup_dir='/path_to_empty_directory';
Setting the tokudb_backup_dir variable automatically starts the backup process to the specified directory. Percona TokuBackup will take full backup each time, currently there is no incremental backup option

Restoring From Backup

Percona TokuBackup does not have any functionality for restoring a backup. You can use rsync or cp to restore the files. You should check that the restored files have the correct ownership and permissions.
Make sure that the datadir is empty and that MySQL server is shut down before restoring from backup. You can’t restore to a datadir of a running mysqld instance (except when importing a partial backup).
The following example shows how you might use the rsync command to restore the backup:
$ rsync -avrP /data/backup/ /var/lib/mysql/
Since attributes of files are preserved, in most cases you will need to change their ownership to mysql before starting the database server. Otherwise, the files will be owned by the user who created the backup.
$ chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql
If you have changed default TokuDB data directory (tokudb_data_dir) or TokuDB log directory (tokudb_log_dir) or both of them, you will see separate folders for each setting in backup directory after taking backup. You’ll need to restore each folder separately:
$ rsync -avrP /data/backup/mysql_data_dir/ /var/lib/mysql/
$ rsync -avrP /data/backup/tokudb_data_dir/ /path/to/original/tokudb_data_dir/
$ rsync -avrP /data/backup/tokudb_log_dir/ /path/to/original/tokudb_log_dir/
$ chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql
$ chown -R mysql:mysql /path/to/original/tokudb_data_dir
$ chown -R mysql:mysql /path/to/original/tokudb_log_dir

Advanced Configuration

Monitoring Progress

TokuBackup updates the PROCESSLIST state while the backup is in progress. You can see the output by running SHOW PROCESSLIST or SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST.

Excluding Source Files

You can exclude certain files and directories based on a regular expression set in the tokudb_backup_exclude session variable. If the source file name matches the excluded regular expression, then the source file is excluded from backup.
For example, to exclude all lost+found directories from backup, use the following command:
mysql> SET tokudb_backup_exclude='/lost\\+found($|/)';
In Percona Server 5.7.10-3 to address bug #125, server pid file is excluded by default. If you’re providing your own additions to the exclusions and have the pid file in the default location, you will need to add the entry.

Throttling Backup Rate

You can throttle the backup rate using the tokudb_backup_throttle session-level variable. This variable throttles the write rate in bytes per second of the backup to prevent TokuBackup from crowding out other jobs in the system. The default and max value is 18446744073709551615.
mysql> SET tokudb_backup_throttle=1000000;

Restricting Backup Target

You can restrict the location of the destination directory where the backups can be located using the tokudb_backup_allowed_prefix system-level variable. Attempts to backup to a location outside of the specified directory or its children will result in an error.
The default is null, backups have no restricted locations. This read-only variable can be set in the my.cnf configuration file and displayed with the SHOW VARIABLES command:
mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'tokudb_backup_allowed_prefix';
| Variable_name                | Value     |
| tokudb_backup_allowed_prefix | /dumpdir  |

Reporting Errors

Percona TokuBackup uses two variables to capture errors. They are tokudb_backup_last_error and tokudb_backup_last_error_string. When TokuBackup encounters an error, these will report on the error number and the error string respectively. For example, the following output shows these parameters following an attempted backup to a directory that was not empty:
mysql> SET tokudb_backup_dir='/tmp/backupdir';
ERROR 1231 (42000): Variable 'tokudb_backup_dir' can't be set to the value of '/tmp/backupdir'

mysql> SELECT @@tokudb_backup_last_error;
| @@tokudb_backup_last_error |
|                         17 |

mysql> SELECT @@tokudb_backup_last_error_string;
| @@tokudb_backup_last_error_string                 |
| tokudb backup couldn't create needed directories. |

Limitations and known issues

  • You must disable InnoDB asynchronous IO if backing up InnoDB tables with TokuBackup. Otherwise you will have inconsistent, unrecoverable backups. The appropriate setting is innodb_use_native_aio=0.
  • To be able to run Point-In-Time-Recovery you’ll need to manually get the binary log position.
  • Transactional storage engines (TokuDB and InnoDB) will perform recovery on the backup copy of the database when it is first started.
  • Tables using non-transactional storage engines (MyISAM) are not locked during the copy and may report issues when starting up the backup. It is best to avoid operations that modify these tables at the end of a hot backup operation (adding/changing users, stored procedures, etc.).
  • The database is copied locally to the path specified in /path/to/backup. This folder must exist, be writable, be empty, and contain enough space for a full copy of the database.
  • TokuBackup always makes a backup of the MySQL datadir and optionally the tokudb_data_dir, tokudb_log_dir, and the binary log folder. The latter three are only backed up separately if they are not the same as or contained in the MySQL datadir. None of these three folders can be a parent of the MySQL datadir.
  • No other directory structures are supported. All InnoDB, MyISAM, and other storage engine files must be within the MySQL datadir.
  • TokuBackup does not follow symbolic links.
  • TokuBackup does not backup MySQL configuration file(s).
  • TokuBackup does not backup tablespaces if they are out of datadir.
  • Due to upstream bug #80183, TokuBackup can’t recover backed-up table data if backup was taken while running OPTIMIZE TABLE or ALTER TABLE ... TABLESPACE.
  • TokuBackup doesn’t support incremental backups.

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